Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Greed To Succeed

Illegal Election 2008 was just held a few short days ago. I say illegal as Prime Minister broke his own new law
and prematurely called yet another election. I bet a lot of homeless people would have appreciated a contribution
of any amount, in lieu of the massive costs of elections. Unfortunately Stephene Dion Leader of the opposition
party, was perceived as a weak man.If a thick accent is weakness, then many strong leaders have been weak.
The bait was out and the trap set. The Conservative Party who is already ( in my mind) suing the Liberals unjustly,
took pieces of Mr. Dion's conversations, and with massive amounts of finance, used his own words in a very nasty
ad against him. From the beginning when the puffin did his business while flying over Dion, it was very clear
that Conservatives had every intention of fighting dirty. Okay we had many who were not familiar with Dion aside from the distasteful ads, unfortunately being the only way many become somewhat informed. Elections are not for play children, and do they really have to attack one another? I do not want an attacking Leader, but one who stands up for what is right.
I heard that Mr, Dion did not follow advisers and did not give up the Green Shift idea, also that he is stubborn.
Stubbornness can work for you, not always against you. I feel that the party has been divided ever since Dion won the position. Was it jealousy? Or was everyone on deck to work with the leader? I saw no evidence to assist Dion.
Now that results of the election went below what would have been permitted, and the very next day he was asked to step down. Press was hounding outside their door, and Liberals calling or emailing suggesting he leave now, or be humiliated in May under review. It seems that the division in the Liberal caucus has had internal battled and now immediately want the job. I would not appreciate heavy weights coming down on me, especially after I gave my all. Minimally he deserved time to rest and become refocused, before the greedy gobblers were at his door. Would a week have been long to wait?
If the public could see respect on the inside of the opposition party, it may have given Dion the boost he needed.
How would he know who was trustworthy, and who wanted him to slip so his job would be on the line.
We need a green Shift, and perhaps Stephen will steal it, and label it differently.
After such a defeat, I expect some of the stubbornness is gone, making Dion much more pliable.
So many people within his own party will run for his position if he steps down. I call this the greed to personally succeed.
On the other end of things, if Dion did not step down, and was not forced humiliation in May to be reviewed.
I believe he has gained so much knowledge during this run that he has become wiser and chances are not as stubborn. The Liberals did not loose due to Dion. They lost through nasty attacks,

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